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 One of the most important worships in our religion is the salah. Salah is a very special moment that we have with Allah. When we start our day with His name and with the morning prayer, it feels as if we took the sun on our side. A warm, bright and good day has already begun for us.

We get tired towards noon. The time to pause and to pray has come. Thus, we continue to run our errands, classes and games well rested.

Everyone is steeped in work during in the afternoon. As if the salesman will close deals, teachers will teach, and fathers and mother will get tired till eternity. We have values that we should not forget such as not deceiving the customers during sales, putting in our best efforts, not to break hearts and being tolerant. As a result, the afternoon salah is a great opportunity. To be in the presence of Allah will remind us things that we have forgotten.

The evening is hasty wanting to slip away as fast as a shooting star. Thus, the evening salah is a great opportunity to open our hearts to Allah and to remember Him even during the most hectic times. A little thank you for the whole day!"

Isha prayer is the final salah of the day. The day is ending, and we are tired. Isha prayer enables us to review the whole day. We ask ourselves questions as “What have we been through today? How decent were we?”. It’s amazing to jump on the bed if the answers are positive! How nice it is to sleep with hope! Salah is to commemorate Allah and to be in the presence of Him. The salah is the moment when we are closest to Allah!